The tonic as rest and the dominant as tension are the basic sensations in harmony. In this first session of LaGuitarradeSofía, we’ll work with a song as simple as Mi limón mi limonero (My Lemon Tree), by Venezuelan composer Henry Stephen, which uses only these two chords: tonic (I degree) and dominant (V degree):…
- El Museo del Mar de Santa Pola, y a su cabeza, nuestra gran Mª José Cerdá Bartomeu, programa el concierto […]
- El 30 de marzo será el estreno de una propuesta que la compositora y arquitecta Anna Bofill está elaborando para […]
- Mis partituras raras viajan a Vigo, para ser expuestas en el Conservatorio Profesional y aprendidas e interpretadas por el alumnado […]
de LaVidaenMúsica
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- 2. Basic tries. Anatomy and hairstyleThe triad chords are the basis of Western harmony. They emerge from combining the first notes of the… Read more: 2. Basic tries. Anatomy and hairstyle
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