KR2. Kriám Namá · osm92#2

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Feel free to download the parts from the following links:
Voices part
Txistu 1 part
Txistu 2 part
Txistu 3 part
Violonchelo part

Title: KR2. Kriám Namá

Subtitle: ritual for abundance

Catalog number: osm96#2

Dedicated to: Fernando Fajardo

Instrumentation: 2 altos + 3 txistus + violoncello

Duration: 9 min.

Written in: Altea-Madrid, 2020'VIII

Level: high

Publishing Refference: EDEN0008

Number of pages: 20

Orientation: portrait

Color: b&w

Premiere: Visit page


Video of the premiere. NAK Festival of Contemporary Music of Navarra. By Dúa de Pel and Ensemble Garaikideak. Baluarte Auditorium (Pamplona) 19th de september 2020:


Audio for training (with click):