La sombra del árbol · osm107#8

Two altos with ukelele y güiro

10  IVA incluido

Title La sombra del árbol

Subtitle tribute to family trees

Catalog number osm107#8

Series osm107# · Dúa de Pel, volume II

Text by Eva Guillamón

Instrumentation Two altos with ukelele y güiro

Duration 3'30"

Written in Altea, 2020'II

Level Medium

Publishing Refference EDPE0002

Number of pages 10

Orientation Vertical

Color White and black



This song is dedicated to family trees and to the need of going deep into them so that “your history is not a plagiarism”, we mean not repeating what our ancestors did but go ahead in our own path.

More info about Dúa de Pel at