Aria de Gea · osm95#10v1

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Title: Aria de Gea

Catalog number: osm95#10v2

Series: Cantata 'Somos naturaleza' · osm95# (mezzo and piano)

Dedicated to: Anna Tonna and Isabel Pérez Dobarro

Instrumentation: mezzosoprano + piano

Duration: 7'

Written in: La Navata, 2018'IX

Level: high

Publishing Refference: EDCA0018

Number of pages: 11

Orientation: portrait

Color: b&w

Premiere: Visit page


2018’XI’21: Premiere, by Anna Tonna and Isabel Pérez Dobarro:


Original version (tenor woman + chorus + orchestra), with Rosa Torres-Pardo as the soloist at the Royal Theater of Madrid the 4th of July 2017: