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El laberinto de los principios
El laberinto de los principios (Labyrinth of the beginnings) is a song by Dúa da Pel (Eva Guillamón and Sonia Megías) inspired by the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacan, Mexico.
10 € IVA incluido
Title El laberinto de los principios
Catalog number ddp12#7
Series Da ddp12#7
Dedicated to the beings who created Teotihuacan (Mexico)
Instrumentation 2 altos with squared drum and lute
Duration 5 min.
Written in Teotihuacan (Mx), 2025'I
Level high
Publishing Refference EDSO0021
Number of pages 7
Orientation portrait
Color b&w
Premiere 2025’II’7. Dúa da Pel concert. Centro Cultural de España en México
Some images from the Quetzalcoatl temple, where this song came to music: