El laberinto de los principios

2 altos with squared drum and lute

El laberinto de los principios (Labyrinth of the beginnings) is a song by Dúa da Pel (Eva Guillamón and Sonia Megías) inspired by the Temple of Quetzalcoatl in Teotihuacan, Mexico.

10  IVA incluido

Title El laberinto de los principios

Catalog number ddp12#7

Series Da ddp12#7

Dedicated to the beings who created Teotihuacan (Mexico)

Instrumentation 2 altos with squared drum and lute

Duration 5 min.

Written in Teotihuacan (Mx), 2025'I

Level high

Publishing Refference EDSO0021

Number of pages 7

Orientation portrait

Color b&w

Premiere 2025’II’7. Dúa da Pel concert. Centro Cultural de España en México


Some images from the Quetzalcoatl temple, where this song came to music:
