SoLnatina (piano)

piano solo



10  IVA incluido

Title SoLnatina

Subtitle sonatina

Dedicated to Gustavo Moreno, intérprete en el estreno

Instrumentation piano solo

Duration 9 min.

Written in Murcia, IV'2002

Level medium

Publishing Refference EDSO0003

ISMN 979-0-9018834-5-1

Number of pages 10

Orientation portrait

Color b&w

Premiere 2010'VI'26.- One-composer Concert at the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), by pianist Gustavo Moreno


I wrote SoLnatina during my Composition studies in Murcia, in April 2002, under prof. Manuel Seco de Arpe’s tutelage. The piece explores the sonata form in a pure way, with no artifices.

Video of the premiere:

Other performances:

2012’III’20.- Festival Comuarte @ Palacio Nacional de Bellas Artes. México DF